Kunst met Mekaar, Dansgroep het Dorp February 6, 2017/in cultural, music, projects, theater, video productions /by sjoerdRead more →
Kunst met Mekaar, Anna & Edwin February 6, 2017/in cultural, music, projects, theater, video productions /by sjoerdRead more →
Kunst met Mekaar, Roel & Guus February 6, 2017/0 Comments/in cultural, music, projects, theater, video productions /by sjoerdRead more →
Kunst met Mekaar, Mathijs & Rob February 6, 2017/0 Comments/in cultural, music, projects, theater, video productions /by sjoerdRead more →
Kunst met Mekaar, Annemiek February 6, 2017/0 Comments/in cultural, music, projects, theater, video productions /by sjoerdRead more →
Our future is being jeopardized July 8, 2016/0 Comments/in anthropology, projects /by sjoerdRead more →
Smockey, Rapper and political activist from Burkina Faso February 26, 2016/in anthropology, music, V4T, video productions /by sjoerdRead more →
The Settlement House, Pangmashi an engaged lawyer in Bamenda February 26, 2016/in anthropology, educational, V4T, video productions, vodcast /by sjoerdRead more →
Werk, Gesprek, Spel en Vieren op de Heijenoord school te Arnhem February 16, 2016/in promotional, video productions /by sjoerdRead more →